Breaking Through as an Underdog

By: Stuart McCalla

Originally featured in the “Liz Career Coaching Podcast: Ways to succeed as an underdog with Stuart McCalla on Apple Podcasts.”

Every success story is punctuated with obstacles and challenges, and it's no different when it comes to navigating your professional journey. Often, we feel like the underdog when eyeing a new job or a promotion, especially when up against candidates with more experience or conventional qualifications. However, being an underdog can be a unique strength, allowing you to bring a fresh perspective, unconventional problem-solving skills, and tenacity to the table. Here's how to maximize your potential and turn being an underdog to your advantage.

Embrace the Learner's Mindset

In an ever-evolving professional landscape, employers value candidates who are well-informed, curious and committed to lifelong learning. Utilize the abundant resources available: books, journals, newspapers, podcasts, and articles. Stay updated with industry news, trends, and innovations, and understand your potential employer's role in the market. This thirst for knowledge will keep you sharp and adaptable and demonstrate your proactive engagement with your field of work.

Understand and Utilize Models

Models and frameworks offer valuable blueprints to decipher complex situations and guide decision-making. Familiarize yourself with a diverse range of models relevant to your industry and practice applying them to different scenarios. This will exhibit your logical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to transfer knowledge across different situations - attributes highly sought after in the modern workplace.

Experiment and Adapt

Being open to experimentation can unlock doors to innovation and growth. In a world where change is the only constant, showing that you're flexible and willing to adapt is a key strength. Don't shy away from taking calculated risks - even if they lead to failure. Every failure is an opportunity to learn, refine, and try again with renewed insights and tactics.

Invite Rejection and Learn from Experience

Every rejection, every mistake you make is a stepping stone on your path to success. Instead of fearing rejection, learn to see it as a chance to grow, hone your skills, and build resilience. Embrace the wisdom of experience and convert your missteps into powerful lessons that will guide your future endeavors.

Build a Robust Support System

Succeeding as an underdog doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Surround yourself with a network of mentors, peers, and confidants who can offer guidance, insight, and emotional support. This network can help you set realistic yet ambitious goals, provide constructive criticism, and celebrate your victories along the way. Remember, strength lies in vulnerability and the willingness to seek help when needed.

Final Thoughts

As Winston Churchill once wisely said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." These words ring true today, reminding us that the journey is just as important as the destination. As an underdog, you have the courage, tenacity, and resilience to overcome barriers and emerge victorious. Your unique journey is your strength. Harness it, believe in yourself, and you'll find that the professional world is ready to embrace what you bring to the table.

Feel like an underdog in your professional journey? Embrace this unique strength. Underdogs often bring a fresh perspective, unconventional problem-solving skills, and resilience to the table. If you're ready to unleash your potential and carve out your successful career path, contact our team HERE to learn more about how we can support you.